Faculty of Science further implements the postgraduate tutor responsibility system


At 4 pm on May 24, 2019, the College of Science and Technology held a full-time graduate tutor conference in Room 206. Nearly 50 instructors attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Sun Mei led all the instructors to study the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Graduate Tutors" jointly issued by the Jiangsu Provincial Academic Degrees Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, and the "Professional Ethics Standards for Postgraduate Tutors in Jiangsu Province" """ and "Jiangsu University's treatment methods for postgraduate dissertations with unqualified opinions on sampling inspections" and other relevant policies issued by graduate schools in the past two years. Require teachers to treat graduate students like their own children, to care, care, and guide students in all aspects, conscientiously implement the tutor responsibility system, and improve the quality of postgraduate training.

Then, Associate Dean Xu Boqiang encouraged the teachers to actively participate in various project construction: graduate quality course construction, postgraduate innovation project, curriculum library construction. In the past few years, we analyzed the evaluation report of the provincial random examination papers, emphasizing that the tutor should pay attention to the quality of the dissertation from the topic selection, research level and text writing, and the guides interpret the relevant policies and requirements of the graduate defense. Subsequently, Deputy Secretary Li Yimin informed the recent student accidents in various colleges and universities, emphasizing that in addition to caring for graduate students, the instructors should also pay attention to the development of graduate students' safety awareness, legal concept and gratitude. The tutor should understand the situation of graduate students and care for graduate employment. The situation, encourage graduate students to participate in various practice competitions.

This meeting played a positive role in further implementing the construction of graduate student, standardizing the postgraduate work of the college, improving the management level of postgraduate education, and strengthening the academic morality of graduate students.